Naivete happens, even on the right

Route 66 was a harbinger

Route 66 was a harbinger

Red State’s Nick Arama: Biden Says Something Completely Ridiculous but Doesn't Even Realize It

He starts by saying he’s “working to pass historic investment and to modernize our climate-resilient infrastructure.” Historic investment in what? Of course, what that really means is spending his head off.

But then he really gets into it. He says the U.S. is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions 50-52% below 2005 levels by 2030. “We’ve set a goal that by 2025 our power sector will be free of carbon and 2030, 50% of the cars should be, must be electric vehicles.”

Now that ‘50% of cars being electric’ thing is never going to happen in nine years. But the worse claim is that, in four years [later correctd by the WH — “he really meant by 2035” — no difference - ED] , our power sector will be free of carbon as a goal. That’s just silly and is not going to happen. Anyone with a working brain cell would know that this is a bad statement to make — because it just isn’t even logical or possible. If they tried, they would completely destroy our energy capability and a ton of businesses as well, throwing who knows how many people out of work. [empasis added]

Arama’s mistake is that he assigns good faith to the nation’s enemies, when in fact there is none. Destroying our energy capability is exactly what they want to do, and by stopping, now, all investments in fossil fuels, be it pipelines, drilling, or even gasoline engine development, they are ensuring that the economy will be ruined long before 2035 comes around.

Which is the plan. “Logic and brain cells” and “public opinion” are mutually exclusive, and our new Green Masters are counting on that.