How did Hollywood Moveon™ from its anti-vaxx beliefs? I blame TDS

that was so 2020!

that was so 2020!

Not so long ago LA’s richest neighborhoods were hotbeds of whooping cough, measles and all sorts of other childhood diseases because its protective parents refused to vaccinate their kids. Something changed on January 20 of this year, and we wonder: what happened?

Hollywood Reporter, 2014

Vaccination rates are plummeting at top Hollywood schools, from Malibu to Beverly Hills, from John Thomas Dye to Turning Point, where affluent, educated parents are opting out in shocking numbers (leaving some schools’ immunization rates on par with South Sudan) as an outbreak of potentially fatal whooping cough threatens L.A. like “wildfire”

Whether it’s measles or pertussis, the local children statistically at the greatest risk for infection aren’t, as one might imagine, the least privileged — far from it. An examination by The Hollywood Reporter of immunization records submitted to the state by educational facilities suggests that wealthy Westside kids — particularly those attending exclusive, entertainment-industry-favored child care centers, preschools and kindergartens — are far more likely to get sick (and potentially infect their siblings and playmates) than other kids in L.A. The reason is at once painfully simple and utterly complex: More parents in this demographic are choosing not to vaccinate their children as medical experts advise. They express their noncompliance by submitting a form known as a personal belief exemption (PBE) instead of paperwork documenting a completed shot schedule.

Doctors on both sides of the issue say vaccine-skeptical parents tend to trust their own gut more than the medical establishment. A distrust of corporate motives plays a pivotal role, too. “You have real animosities about pharmaceutical companies making massive profits,” says Mark Largent, Ph.D., a historian at Michigan State University and the author of Vaccine: The Debate in Modern America.

“These companies are not infallible,” says Barbara Loe Fisher, president of the National Vaccine Information Center, a top oppositional voice on child immunization….

Such views gall many doctors. “These are flat-world people,” says Brentwood pediatrician Dr. Robert Landaw. “They’re speaking against science.”

Today, on the Westside, those who abstain from vaccinating their kids see refusal through their own socio-anthropological lens. “They’re well intended — the people that only want to do the best for their child. They want only natural products, organic foods, attachment parenting, family beds,” [WTF?! - ED] says Dr. Lisa Stern, a Santa Monica pediatrician. Observes Dr. Neal Baer, a trained pediatrician and veteran TV writer-producer (ER) who wrote an episode of Law & Order: SVU about the public health consequences of vaccine refusal, “It’s about not wanting to have anything that isn’t ‘natural’ in your child — this whole notion of the natural and holistic versus the scientific.”

For his part, [anti-vaxxer Dr.] Gordon sees in this stance a commitment to well-being that deserves respect. “These parents aren’t feeding their kids junky foods, they are making sure [their kids] are wearing their bicycle helmets and they just want to have a real discussion about vaccines — and [other doctors] just won’t have it,” he says.

So, from the Jim Carey/RFK Jr. Barricdos to the gates of Dr. Fauci’s inoculation center in just 9 months — so quick! A year ago every righteous Democrat, from Kampallawalla to Pelosi to Cuomo to California’s own governor, St. Noisome, all denounced the vaccines being developed by Trump and the corrupt federal authorities like the FDA and CDC that were supposedly monitoring their safety. Then came the election, and suddenly, the very same institutions that these people loathed and distrusted were turned into scientific gods whose every diktat must be followed upon pain of death, because not Trump!

And, if the great unwashed were rejecting the COVID experimental drugs, then that proved that they weren’t following the science, and they must be herded into vaccination centers or banished from society until they submitted to the wisdom of their betters.

The same Hollywood parents who willingly risked their children going blind or dying from other diseases now insist that all children (especially yours) be injected with an unknown substance that won’t protect the children themselves, but might make their teachers feel more comfortable. Will we also see Westside pediatricians’ offices flooded with anxious mommies toting their organically-fed, bicycle-helmeted toddlers, demanding a full vaccination regimen for them, now?

I doubt it. Logic stops at the gates of every Hollywood home.