Pecksland Price Parade Plummets Precipitously


78 Pecksland Road’s price has been reduced to $7.995 million. That’s down from last October’s opening kick-off at $11.5, but there may well be still more to come. (Okay, the price reductions have come gradually, rather than plummeting or precipitously, but I couldn’t think of a synonym beginning with “P" — reader contributions are welcome. Ed.) UPDATE: No sooner had I left the house than the proper alliteration struck: “Pecksland Price Pared”. I was hooked on “Parade”, and that threw me off, but I should have heeded the writer’s advice to “murder your darlings”.

It’s a grand old 1925 Twatchman design, which, alas, aren’t as popular today as they were back then. I liked it more when it still had five acres in the early 2000s, but I didn’t like its $16.5 price tag. Neither did anyone else, so those owners lopped off 2.5 acres and sold this remnant for $4.5 in 2011.

Renovations were made, and the house was resold to the current owners in 2014 for $8.850 million. Presumably, additional renovations were performed since then to justify that October ‘20 ask of $11.5 but if so, it wasn’t money well spent.