Someone should be horsewhipped alright, but that person is in the basement of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, not on the Rio Grande

Oh, well, from THAT angle, gee

Oh, well, from THAT angle, gee

UPDATE: AP Photographer has released her own video:

Biden vows to punish border guards for protecting our border.

The photographer has made clear that the photos were “misconstrued” — I’d add the modifier “deliberately” to that — and the truth was known even before the lying began. Lying that has continued all week.

Senility has not suddenly turned Biden into a horrid, evil person, unless you think he was senile when he ran the Bork hearings in 1987. He has always been the person he is today, and while it’s true that he’s now just the figurehead for the cabal of this country’s enemies, they’re not forcing him to act out of character.

UPDATE: Red State’s Bonchie has the same take. Unfortunately, the voters Biden and his handlers are after don’t read Red State, or any other non-approved material.

This is incredibly sick stuff. It’s one thing to be a partisan. It’s even one thing to tell lies as a politician about policies or one’s personal behavior. But it’s another thing to lie this brazenly about federal law enforcement officials who did absolutely nothing wrong. Worse, the White House is obviously doing this because they think it helps them politically, and to be sure, it has. The media are completely ignoring the thousands of Haitian illegal immigrants living in squalor under a bridge, in order to obsess over “whips” that were actually reins that weren’t used like whips.

We are witnessing powerful government forces, including Joe Biden, attempt to unjustifiably destroy the lives of innocent people in order to garner a good news cycle or two. And they are doing so without showing an ounce of guilt or care for the people they are hurting. If that’s not sociopathic, then what is?

That’s why I say this is Biden’s worst bit of commentary yet. This goes beyond political disagreement. Instead, it exposes a hole in this man’s soul that would allow him to lie about a topic that threatens to ruin the lives of innocent people for political gain. Remember, Biden is also ranting about saving the “soul” of the nation. He might want to spend some time on his own, though.

Guess which angle the media went with?

Guess which angle the media went with?