Vaccines prevent disease, therapeutics treat it — we’re being forced to take one of the officially approved therapeutics, and denied the others.

Cui bono?

Cui bono?

Vaccine Mandates Are Their Dumbest Move Yet, But They Keep Doubling-Down

[Bold type emphasis added — Ed]

Nothing about our overlords’ response to the Covid-19 pandemic has made any sense, so why should we expect any more in their approach to vaccines? Ever true to form, they have bungled and stumbled their way into not just failing to end the pandemic, but creating historic mistrust of the medical establishment in an ever-growing segment of the population. These geniuses have also succeeded in turning what was once a tiny faction of anti-vaxxers into what could very well be becoming a burgeoning political movement. Nice job, pinheads.

Then, the freight train hit. Turns out, Berenson was right, yet again, as he has beenvirtually the entirety of this pandemic. (These days Twitter doesn’t censor and ban people for being WRONG, but rather for being TOO RIGHT about the WRONG THING.) The vaccines were leaky as a sieve, and reinfections and transmissions among the vaccinated were increasing at an alarming rate. Almost overnight, the messaging went from vaccines preventing contraction and transmission to keeping people out of the hospital and the morgue. And even then, only for a few months until you get your booster.

Remember those long car lines and your Branch Covidian Facebook friends posting about how they couldn’t wait until their age group was called, then later posting disturbing pictures of their ‘Fauci ouchie’ band-aids right beside their even more disturbing Dr. Fauci bobblehead dolls? In a period of weeks, we saw a medical intervention go from being in peak demand to President Puddinhead’s patience with a third of the population “wearing thin.” The carrot hasn’t worked, so now they’re moving to the stick.

But why? Why does the entire population need to be jabbed with a shot that only protects them, especially one with such a high side effect profile? It might be one thing if the vaccines actually did prevent contraction and especially transmission of a virus deadly enough to warrant such measures. If these were sterile vaccines and the disease were more dangerous than the relatively mild (for the vast majority) Covid-19, there *could* be a case for mandates. We could debate it and I might disagree, but there would at least be a case. For example, it would have been difficult to argue against a vaccine mandate for smallpox, which killed 30% of those who contracted it and was stopped dead in its tracks by the vax. 

But this virus isn’t smallpox, and these vaccines aren’t the vaccines that eradicated that disease. Not. Even. Close. These are, at best, therapeutics that prevent severe illness and death for a few months. At best. At worst, they are causing antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) and actually making the pandemic worse over the long haul (If you’re unfamiliar with ADE, listen to The Blaze host Steve Deace’s interview with Dr. Ryan Cole on 9/21/21. It’s pretty scary stuff and I hope it ends up being wrong, but it’s certainly a theory that fits the data so far and is worth listening to.)

To add insult to injury, and a bit more injury just for fun, why do those who have already contracted the virus (the naturally immune) need a vaccine for something their bodies have already fought, especially when it’s been proven that side effects are WORSE for them? Why do young boys have to take it when it’s been proven that their risk of hospitalization or death from vaccine-induced myocarditis is GREATER than their risk from Covid? Why are the vaccines they are shoving down everyone’s throat, including the boosters, geared toward the original virus instead of Delta? It’s all absolutely insane, yet these discredited clowns stubbornly continue down the same path like no better one is available.

Unless the courts strike it down, soon every worker who works for a firm with more than 100 employees will have to be vaccinated or undergo a weekly Covid test. Already, major events and conferences are requiring this (including one I’ll be at next week). Healthcare workers who have put themselves at risk the entirety of the pandemic - many if not most of whom are naturally immune - are literally being fired in the MIDDLE OF A LABOR CRISIS for refusing to take the jab (in New York's case, forcing 'authorities' to consider calling in the National Guard to ensure some level of patient care).

RELATED: Why is the government restricting the use of other therapeutic drugs: Regeneon, and other monoclonal antibodies, that can keep COVID patients out of our hospitals in the first place? Is it the result solely of Trump Derangement Syndrome, and anti-DeSantis sentiment, or are the profits of Big Pharma also a consideration?