How does he know?

California here we come, not back where we started from

California here we come, not back where we started from

What do we make of DHS Secretary Mayorkas’s two seemingly contradictory statements he’s spouted recently?

Sunday, he said that one in five migrants are showing up at the border with an 'illness.'

'We are confronted with a population of people that, as a general matter, have a rate of illness of approximately 20%.' 

That sounds pretty bad, considering that we’re just shipping them out and dispersing them throughout the country, but how solid is that figure: Exactly right? Too conservative? Exaggerated? I’m pretty sure he doezn’t know. On Friday, he said this:

Mayorkas had told reporters that he did not know how many of the nearly 17,000 once camped out under the International Bridge in Del Rio, Texas had contracted Covid-19 as DHS was not testing the migrants. 

'We did not test that population of individuals,' Mayorkas said. 'We do not know, I do not know, I should say if I may be perfectly accurate, I do not know if anyone was sick with COVID. We certainly had some people get sick, not with COVID to my knowledge and we addressed their illnesses.' 

So, a wild guess? Some secret testing program going on that he doesn’t want to acknowledge? I’m going with the wild guess theory. In the meantime, tens of thousands more of our new Democrat welfare beneficiaries are making their way to our open border, where they will be released to roam about the country.