In case you're tempted today

oh, shut up

oh, shut up

Hello, I’m Hispanic. “Latinix” is a stupid word, and you need to stop using it.

Hello, I am an American of Mexican descent and I am here to tell you that the attempt to normalize the word “Latinx” is really stupid and you should stop using it right now.

For the majority of people who are wondering why “Latinx” is being used by some people in the media, don’t blame the real Latinos, we didn’t make it up. It was made up by the transgender lobby because Spanish is a gendered language, which is simply an expression of nature, and they can’t allow that insult to their political agenda.

In other words, “Latino” refers to males, and “Latina” refers to females. But that is “exclusionary” to transgender people, so they are trying to erase words for the sake of political gain.

And we all know this is very very estupido.

Among the stronger arguments against the use of the phrase is that it is simply rejected by the vast majority of Latinos. I understand why transgender people argue that people should refer to them by the name they choose out of politeness, but Latinos have in no way chosen to use “Latinx,” so why should this word be imposed on us?

You might be asking how many Latinos actually use the word.

A Pew poll conducted in December 2019 found that only THREE PERCENT of Latinos in the U.S. say they use the phrase to refer to themselves. THREE PERCENT.

And speaking of statistics, here are more:

In addition, transgender youth ages 13-17 make up 0.7% of the youth population. That’s about 150,000 people. Transgender adults, ages 18-24, also make up 0.7% of their population. The percentages are very similar throughout the older age brackets. In the 25-64 age range, transgender people make up 0.6% of all people, and those 65 and older account for 0.5% of their demographic.

The largest populations of transgender youth within the 13-17 age category live in Texas, California, New York, and Florida. The smallest populations live in Wyoming, Vermont, and North Dakota.

150,000 youths self-identify as suffering from gender dysphoria. That’s just under the number who identify as badgers, and just a bit more than those who think they’re squirrels. So really, who cares?

I certainly wouldn’t, if it were just a matter of them wearing the clothing they prefer and having sex with partners of their choice. What’s mind-frazzling is the attention paid to this group by our elite betters, who use it show how how wonderfully woke they are — laws and language have been changed, male rapists introduced into women’s prisons and battered women’s shelters, gender-neutral bathrooms and locker rooms in schools, men competing against female weightlifters and runners, and so forth. They’re forcing it down our throats, so to speak, and I resent it.

So there.