Tell me again why we're being forced to submit to this

One of our best and brightest prepares for remote learning session

One of our best and brightest prepares for remote learning session

95% Vaccinated Harvard Business School Suspends In-Person Classes After Covid Outbreak

Robert Spencer:

How many stories like this are there going to be before the political and media elites admit that maybe these vaccines don’t really work, or at the very least don’t work nearly as well as had been anticipated? CBS Newsreported Monday that Harvard Business School is “reverting to remote learning after beginning the semester with in-person classes, citing a rise in breakthrough COVID-19 cases among its students.” If you didn’t think Harvard Business School was full of the people the Left imagines as the only ones opposing the vaccine, you know, guys with Confederate flags on the back windows of their pickup trucks, that is, the Trump-voting, science-denying, mask-hating great unwashed, you’re right: 95% of Harvard Business School students are vaccinated, and 96% of the school’s employees are vaccinated as well.

Despite the growing evidence pointing to the hollowness of the standard approach, however, Cautela was keeping the faith. He said that the move to online instruction came because of “a steady rise in breakthrough infections,” and was being undertaken despite the fact that “contact tracers who have worked with positive cases highlight that transmission is not occurring in classrooms or other academic settings on campus.”

All right, so if it isn’t happening in class, why can’t they still have class? Because of those pesky unmasked yahoos. Cautela continued: “Nor is it occurring among individuals who are masked.” Accordingly, says CBS, “the renowned business program is also asking its students to stop participating in unmasked indoor activities and to limit in-person interactions with individuals outside of their households by moving all group gatherings online and cancelling group travel.”

Okay, so apparently students going around without masks after hours led to the new outbreak of Covid among the Harvard Business School student body, even though almost all of them are vaccinated. So the vaccine clearly doesn’t protect someone against Covid; evidently only the mask does that, but even wearing masks in class is not strong enough to withstand the contagion of these unmasked student gatherings outside class.

Instead of admitting that all this is ridiculous and that an entirely new approach is needed, Harvard Business is ratcheting up the controlling regulations: Now students are required to be tested three times a week. Harvard didn’t say whether this would be required of students who have no interaction with other students and are taking classes entirely online, but given the undercurrent of authoritarianism in all this, there is no reason to assume that it wouldn’t be.

No one expects a vaccine to be 100% effective. But the growing evidence of the ineffectiveness of the Covid vaccines makes the increasing authoritarianism of Leftist politicians all the more indefensible. People are losing their livelihoods for not wanting to get an experimental vaccine that has been increasingly shown to be ineffective. The monumental injustice of this grows more obvious by the day.

One of the most frustrating things about this panic is the failure of our betters and their lackeys in the media to provide any context to the numbers they throw around. i saw a study yesterday that reported that wearing masks reduced COVID cases in children by “64%”. Okay, but 64% what number? If there are, say, 1,200 cases of COVID among the nation’s 12 million school children, forcing all 12 million of them to wear masks, with all the harm tat causes, would drop that number by 528. That doesn’t pass any sort of cost/benefit analysis.

Similarly, 353 children, almost all of them also suffering comorbidities such as leukemia or defective lungs, have died with COVID since the disease arrived from China. The answer has been to shut down the schools for 18 months and pay teachers to vacation in Mexico; a rational solution would have been to tell parents, “if your child has a deadly disease, keep her out of school”. That hasn’t been done. I lost my own son to cancer, and I know the heartbreak and never-ending sorrow of losing a child, but that doesn’t justify closing the country’s entire educational system.

This nonsense has been going on for decades: headlines will blare that a certain chemical “raises the risk of (X) cancer by 32%!”. Scary stuff, but they don’t tell the public that there are only 214 cases or that cancer each year, out of a population of 330 million. Instead, we rush around and ban the chemical, regardless of its usefulness in our food supply or industry.

So provide us with useful statistics. wearing masks indoors reduces the chances of transmitting the Wuhan? A reduction of what number? The last I heard, 94% of people under 60 weren’t getting the disease even without being vaccinated or wearing masks. Is that still a working number? And what’s with the “positive test results”being reported as “cases”? Active cases, asymptomatic, traces of an earlier encounter with the disease, and no longer infectious? They won’t say.

Etcetera. if our health dictators want to see citizens continue to take COVID seriously they should stop with the panic, huh only Democrats re susceptible to, and provide useful information. Or they can go the Australian route, which I suspect is the most likely plan of action.