What Difference, Now, Does it Make?

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Top Generals Accuse Biden of Lying About Afghanistan Pullout in Sworn Testimony

Rick Moran, PJ Media

The commander of the U.S. Central Command, General Kenneth “Frank” McKenzie, and the commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, General Scott Miller, told Congress that they had recommended to Joe Biden that the military maintain a presence of at least 2,500 troops in Afghanistan. Biden said in an August 19 interview with George Stephanopoulos that he couldn’t recall anyone recommending that troops remain in Afghanistan after the August 31 deadline.

The testimony was extraordinary because a serving commander has rarely contradicted anything his commander in chief has said.

General McKenzie also recommended to Donald Trump that a force of 4,500 troops stay in Afghanistan.

Milley’s “nobility” notwithstanding, the general has correctly taken the political temperature of the situation. Biden will not suffer any consequences for his lies nor will there be any additional political fallout, so why should Milley fall on his sword? Resigning based on principle? Surely you jest. Milley is a creature of Washington, and “principle” is something you trot out when trying to hide something from Congress.

McKenzie’s testimony will make a fascinating footnote to the history of the times and that’s about it.

Unless the Taliban sets up an Al-Qaeda base now, and terrorists attacks against the US begin immediately, this will all be forgotten by the American public come next November, We’ve already MovedOn™