In Malibu ???!! Should prove a bonanza for fence contractors

run for your lives!

run for your lives!

Machete beach attack on Malibu’s Dan Blocker Beach

Two homeless men attacked a father of five with a machete at a California beach – leaving him with gruesome injuries, authorities said.

The family from out of town was eating lunch on Dan Blocker Beach in Malibu Sunday when two homeless men approached, telling them they “were not allowed” there, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.

An argument ensued and one of the suspects, Richard Franck, pulled out a machete and started hacking at the father, cutting the man’s upper torso and hand, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department said.

Franck and another homeless man, Benjamin Mast, then proceeded to chase the family of five from the beach back to a parking lot near the Pacific Coast Highway, deputies told the Malibu Times.

Prosecutors detailed the father’s grisly injuries Wednesday, saying the machete attack left him disfigured with a cut tongue, a lost eye and cuts to his nose, ear and lip.

Franck has been charged with attempted murder, mayhem and assault with a deadly weapon, while Mast was charged with accessory to attempted murder.

The attack came as the homelessness crisis in Malibu continues to deteriorate, with recent crimes and fires stemming from transients in the area. Community members held a meeting late Thursday to address the public safety concerns, KTTV reported.

I played, even tried learning to surf on Malibu Beach proper back when I was a wee lad visiting my parents’ friends, who had a direct beachfront home here. That was a long time ago, and I realize that conditions have probably deteriorated, but certainly, prices haven’t.

Machete-wielding, psychopathic bums weren’t part of the picture back then, and I’m surprised to learn that they are now. Wow.

Some blame the 9th Circuit’s (of course) 2018 decision in Martin v. Boise for the current plague of tramps, but I’d say this is the natural, logical result of decades of liberal “compassion”. The chickens have come home to camp.