Coming soon in a mandate near you

and while we have you here, why don’t you just bend over?

and while we have you here, why don’t you just bend over?

Fauci now says you aren’t “fully vaccinated” until he’s given you a booster shot

Readers with a long memory may remember when Dr. Falsey first insisted that “60-70% of the population would have to be vaccinated before we developed a ‘herd immunity” (a condition he’d previously denied was possible), then “70-75%, then “75-80%, then “80%-plus”. Now he’s changed his mind, and the rules again. Calvinball, anyone?

“It is likely, for a real complete regimen, that you would need at least a third dose,” Fauci told The Atlantic in an exclusive interview.

Ed Yong of The Atlantic noted that Fauci has been “bullish about using boosters,” and that he defended the Biden administration’s “decision to talk about widespread availability before the FDA had a chance to weigh in.”

Then he asked, “What is your stance on the role that they should play in the pandemic going forward?”

“I’ve made it clear that my opinion has always been that I believe that a third-shot booster for a two-dose mRNA [vaccine] should ultimately and will ultimately be the proper, complete regimen,” Fauci said. “The vaccine is very successful. The durability of it is something that’s a subject of considerable discussion and sometimes debate.”

Fauci acknowledged that “we did not always know that a third dose would likely be an important part of the proper, complete regimen.”

He continued: “In the early trials, we started off with a prime followed by a booster. And the results were so strikingly good, both in the animal model and in the Phase 1, Phase 2 trials, that we didn’t have the luxury to say, ‘Wait a minute, we’re going to try multiple different doses and make sure we get it just right.’ We were in an emergency situation, so we went with what was really good. Already the track record has shown you that it has saved millions of lives.”

Fauci also said that the boosters don’t keep people alive, just from experiencing severe symptoms.

“I think we should be preventing people from getting sick from COVID even if they don’t wind up in the hospital,” he said.

The scary part about Fauci’s redefining “fully vaccinated” is the implications it has for those impacted by Biden’s vaccine mandate. Will people who’ve had their two doses of Pfizer and Moderna not be considered fully vaccinated and face termination under Biden’s vaccine mandate?

My only disagreement with the author is that I think Fauci’s new declaration that the goal of forcing vaccines and booster shots on every citizen is “to keep people from getting sick” it just as scary as the definition of “fully vaccinated”. Fauci seemingly has adopted the Australia and New Zealand model of a crisis that will continue until COVID has been permanently eliminated. Since that is not possible, expect “15 days to flatten the curve” to stretch out to forever.

UPDATE: EOS has provided this bit of Fauci omniscience from just this past April, that demonstrates why we should rely on our medical dictators’ knowledge and expertise. Remember, children, only drooling, mouth-breathing rednecks don’t trust our best doctors, and don’t “follow the science”.

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My objection to our COVID approach is not that the advice changes as the knowledge grows, but that so much of what should be advice is instead presented as scientific fact, and forced on us as mandates.