Emily Latella takes Minnesota

DOA: but don’t worry, because (a) it’s a nifty warehouse, if not a morgue, and (b) it was paid for with federal money!

DOA: but don’t worry, because (a) it’s a nifty warehouse, if not a morgue, and (b) it was paid for with federal money!

Doomsday in Minnesota! Oops! Never mind!

Posted on Powerline: We (Scott, mostly) have chronicled the inept and destructive reaction to covid by Minnesota’s Governor Tim Walz. That response began with a campaign to scare the daylights out of Minnesotans that was second, perhaps, only to what has happened in Australia. A key element of the campaign of fear was the “Minnesota model,” touted by Walz and his minions as the “scientific” basis for the extreme actions they took. Never mind that, as it later developed, the model was constructed by a couple of students over a weekend. If it was made in Minnesota, it must be superior!

The Minnesota model projected that without a draconian shutdown, 74,000 Minnesotans would die from covid. With an extreme shutdown, 50,000 would die. Those projections were the basis for the radical restrictions on our lives imposed by Walz under a never-ending “emergency.” … Of course, it turned out that the model was wildly off the mark, [actual number, 7,996 dead through September 15, 2021 — ED] and, having gone through versions 2.0 and 3.0, it has now been quietly shelved and forgotten.

As part of the Walz administration’s campaign to scare Minnesotans into compliance, the state spent millions on a refrigerated fruit warehouse. Why? To turn it into a morgue. Because there wouldn’t be room in the state’s mortuaries for the thousands of bodies that would pile up on account of covid, we needed a facility to house the corpses while they awaited a backlogged burial. 

It quickly became apparent that the Minnesota model’s fatality projections were ridiculous, and the morgue, despite having been renovated and prepared for its intended use at considerable expense, would remain idle. Thus, Tim Walz’s refrigerated fruit warehouse won the first-ever Golden Turkey Award. It represented $6.9 million down the drain, and was quietly forgotten–with, needless to say, the complicity of the local, monolithically-liberal press.

Just a small sample of the inanity that’s infected our country, and much of the world.