Oh dear, I do so hate it when GHS graduates display their stupidity and ignorance so openly

At least she was born across the border in Stamford

At least she was born across the border in Stamford

It’s Unfair and absurd that companies would raise their prices just because we raise their taxes

Stephen Green, PJ Media:

George Orwell asked you to imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever.

Insanity Wrap asks you to imagine a palm slapping a bewildered face — forever.

Only you won’t need to imagine it after reading today’s lead story.

But first, our credentials.

Insanity Wrap has been in and out of the news business for 30 years and blogging for just shy of 20. In addition to all of those political stories, in our 52 years, we have read the poetry of Jim Morrison, the columns of Maureen Dowd, the backs of countless boxes of Boo Berry Cereal, the 1988 Libertarian, Republican, and Democrat political platforms in their entireties, and even the works of various Brontë sisters.

So we don’t need to ask you to trust us when we say we have read some deeply stupid stuff.

But nothing so stupid as White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki trying to explain exactly how economics doesn’t work to the White House Fluff Corps.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki claimed during Monday’s press briefing that it would be “unfair and absurd” for companies to raise costs on consumers in response to the Biden administration raising the corporate tax rate.

If Democrats get their way, corporate taxes are about to go up by about 25%. And because it would be “unfair and absurd” for anyone to raise prices on consumers in response to increased costs…

…wait, wut?