Nope: vaccines don't stop transmission, nor do they prevent infection
/Israel planning to inject its citizens for a fourth time, and that’s just the beginning.
Stats compiled by Oxford University-backed research team Our World in Data shows there were a record 1,892 Covid cases per million people in Israel on Wednesday — nearly 0.2 percent of the entire population in a single day.
So, treatment, not prevention, which isn’t doing anything. Vaccines have stopped working, masks never worked (nor did wiping down tables, plexiglass sneeze barriers, or wearing latex gloves when pawing rutabagas), lockdowns were a horrible joke and still are in Australia and New Zealand, whose populations won’t be allowed out of their houses until “we’ve hit an 80% vaccination rate, including children under 12”. Never mind that no such vaccine exists for children, and won’t, possibly for years, because, as medical experts who know about such things tell us, children's immunity systems are totally different from those of adults; they develop as the child grows older, and are different during each stage of such development.
All lockdowns accomplish is to prevent exposure to the virus for some, not all people; Kung Flu await outside the door, and will pounce on the flu virgins as they emerge from hiding.
We can all hope that the medicos who’ve lied to us so often and for so long are telling the truth about one thing, that the vaccines prevent the most severe symptoms, at least for the current versions of the bug— there does seem to be some evidence of that, though whether that protection will work when the WuMu edition comes around is open to question. I consented to the vaccine, and maybe it will help if I get the disease. Then again, maybe I have been infected, and like 95% of us, never knew I had it.. I haven’t even had a cold since sometime in the 80s, so my immune system seems in working order.
Who knows? The governments of the world should get to work on treating and, dreaded word, curing the disease, rather than doubling down on their futile attempt to stop it.
Unless, of course, and as so many of us are increasingly pointing out, nothing about this manufactured panic has anything to do with the disease itself, and everything to do with the Great Reset.