NYT's TV Critic: You can't have entertainment here, goddamnit, this is TELEVISION!

James Poiniwozik, they/exchi/it

Someone at the Times named Jamie Poniewozik is furious that sitcom characters aren’t masked up and swatting at Bat Flu cooties. “Yes”, he conceded to us, “they’ve done a marvelous job bringing in the oppressed classes: bipolars, smelly dwarves, and transgender Latinixes into their casts, and their group struggle sessions are properly humiliating, just as ours are at the paper, but there’s still a detectable taint of levity in some of these episodes, and that has to go! Don’t these people realize they have a mission? A responsibility to spread fear and misery? We’re talking liberalism here, damn it, and that’s not supposed to be fun, it’s supposed to be educational! Good Gaia.”