Hey, their customers won't complain; we're talking about Whole Foods patrons here, the very people who pass these laws to begin with.

Amazon can be sued for not hiring convicted murderer as a delivery driver, judge rules

“A federal judge said retail behemoth Amazon and its Whole Foods unit can be sued for refusing to hire a convicted murderer who applied for a grocery delivery position.

In a report published Thursday by Reuters,  U.S. District Judge Valerie Caproni in Manhattan said Henry Franklin could pursue a proposed class action lawsuit after getting turned down from the job at Cornucopia Logistics, which serves Amazon and Whole Foods. 

Reportedly, Amazon did not offer Franklin the position after the company conducted a background check on him. The background check revealed he lied on his April 2019 job application by answering “no” when asked if he had a criminal record.”

“New York law bars employers from rejecting job applicants based on their criminal histories unless the crimes relate directly to the jobs sought, or hirings would pose an unreasonable risk to the public.

Without ruling on the merits, Caproni said the defendants failed to show that either exception applied, adding that Franklin ‘has adequately alleged that he is rehabilitated and no longer poses a threat to the public.’

She also said she was ‘sympathetic to defendants' likely position that they do not want a convicted murderer delivering groceries to their customers' homes.’

With luck, the new driver will also deposit a couple of homeless meth addicts on the doorsteps of customers along his route, propping them up against each homes’ “BLM — Love Lives Here” sign. Whole Foods can rename its van service the “Karma Express”.