It's not science we distrust, it's scientists like Meteorology professor Marshall Shepherd, whom we wouldn’t trust to safeguard a turd
/Global Warmist, liar, and all-around fraud, Dr. Marshall Shepherd
Americans’ Trust in Science is now Deeply Polarized, Poll Shows
WASHINGTON — Republicans’ faith in science is falling as Democrats rely on it even more, with a trust gap in science and medicine widening substantially during the COVID-19 pandemic, new survey data shows.
It’s the largest gap in nearly five decades of polling by the General Social Survey, a widely respected trend survey conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago that has been measuring confidence in institutions since 1972.
That is unsurprising to more than a dozen scientists reached for comment by The Associated Press, but it concerns many of them.
“We are living at a time when people would rather put urine or cleaning chemicals in their body than scientifically vetted vaccines,” University of Georgia meteorology professor Marshall Shepherd told the AP in an email. “That is a clear convergence of fear, lack of critical thinking, confirmation bias and political tribalism.”
So here we have a man who demonizes and demeans anyone who questions “scientifically vetted vaccines”, lies about the “Trump said to inject bleach” trope (and just to add to the reasons we also distrust the press, AP provides a convenient link to its own deliberately false “news article” on the issue) and then complains about the triad that he and his awful allies themselves created: “fear, lack of critical thinking, and tribalism”. It’s absolutely no coincidence that this fraud makes a pretty penny appearing as a talking head spreading the Gospel of the Warming.* And it’s no wonder people don’t trust anything he or his colleagues in connivance have to say about anything “scientific”.
*Dr. Shepherd is frequently sought as an expert on weather, climate, and remote sensing. He routinely appears on CBS Face The Nation, NOVA, The Today Show, CNN, Fox News, The Weather Channel and several others. His TedX Atlanta Talk on “Slaying Climate Zombies” is one of the most viewed climate lectures on YouTube. Dr. Shepherd is also frequently asked to advise key leaders at NASA, the White House, Congress, Department of Defense, and officials from foreign countries. In February 2013, Dr. Shepherd briefed the U.S. Senate on climate change and extreme weather. He has also written several editorials for CNN, Washington Post, Atlanta Journal Constitution, and numerous other outlets and has been featured in Time Magazine, Popular Mechanics, and NPR Science Friday. He has over 120 peer-reviewed scholarly publications. Dr. Shepherd has attracted millions of dollars in extramural research support from NASA, National Science Foundation, the Department of Energy, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, and U.S. Forest Service.