They won't stop until they're in their dachas and we're huddled in caves

AOC-approved housing

Gas stoves generate methane!

Gas stoves are contributing more to global warming than previously thought because of constant tiny methane leaks while they’re off, a new study found.

Even when they are not running, U.S. gas stoves are putting 2.6 million tons (2.4 million metric tons) of methane — in carbon dioxide equivalent units — into the air each year, a team of California researchers found in a study published in Thursday’s journal Environmental Science & Technology. That’s equivalent to the annual amount of greenhouse gases from 500,000 cars or what the United States puts into the air every three-and-a-half hours.(There were 290 million cars registered in the U.S. in 2020)

“They’re constantly bleeding a little bit of methane into the atmosphere all the time,” said the study’s co-author Rob Jackson, a Stanford University climate scientist.

But here’s the problem: the Little People like their gas stoves.

“People can already choose electric appliances if they want,” said Frank Maisano, a Washington policy and public relations expert who represents gas and appliance interests. “People just like gas appliances because they perform better, especially in colder climates.”

“Natural gas appliances are generally more energy- and cost-effective than their electric counterparts,” [he added].

So as with every newly-invented problem, there’s a solution, and as always, it involves our betters taking charge and taking our personal choices away, “for the common good”.

Many communities have bans on gas stove use in future new construction that will take effect in future years, including New York City and the Bay Area cities of San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, and Berkeley, Jackson said.

[“Expert”] Zachary Merrin … un-combusted methane is “clearly bad. From an emissions standpoint, cooking directly with gas is better than using a fossil fuel powered electric stove but worse than using a solar powered electric stove.”

Hmmm. When will all this green solar energy arrive? No later than the end of the century or, at worst, 2125 or so. In the meantime, the cities already mentioned, and the states they live in are not only banning gas stoves, they’re probing its use to heat homes and businesses, and to heat hot water. England has gone so far as to mandate ripping out existing boilers and replacing them with coal-powered heat pumps. Told by experts that the inefficiency of heat pumps will require homes to be kept at 60, rather than 70 degrees the overlords just shrugged: “Let them wear cakes”.

Again, as I keep screaming, all of this is by deliberate design. The Greens want an energy crisis. They want to destroy the existing fossil fuel structure that powers the world. This is not just the ranting of an angry blogger, they’ve said as much, repeatedly. Every time they block a new pipeline or stop an existing one, every time they force the closure of a power plant and prevent new ones from being built, they repeat the same mantra: “we must stop putting resources into an obsolete energy source.” Why is England blowing up its coal plants as they’re shut down? To prevent them from being used when wind and solar fail. That’s happened every year for a decade now, as the supply of fossil fuel energy is strangled, and the Greens were outraged. So, effective this year, power companies are forbidden to restart coal plants during emergencies, and just to make sure they don’t, just to make certain that the country’s choice will be between “green” energy and none at all, they are blowing up the plants.

Another thought: when companies like Blackstone, with its ten-trillion-dollar bankroll, refuse to fund Third World countries’ own energy projects, they aren’t offering to finance alternative energy plants in their stead — because, of course, solar and windmills aren’t profitable and rely entirely on subsidies from, whom? What country? What investment firms are giving away their money? They’re just telling these impoverished people to suck it up, burn cow dung, and die. That’s compassion with a capital KKK.