Eastasia was never sick in Oceania

Government tool Reuters goes on offensive: no one ever promised that Bat Flu vaccines would prevent the spread of COVID

It never happened: schoolchildren were never forced to submit to vaccination under a claim that inoculation would protect their teachers and families at home; factories and office buildings were never declared “no-vax, no-go” zones; cruise ship and airline passengers were never required to show proof of vaccinations “for the protection of others”; and certainly, employees, military personnel and health workers were never fired for refusing the drug. How could you possibly ever think they were?

Now, Reuters says it’s the gullible, ignorant public’s fault that this belief that vaccines were required for the protection of others ever spread.

To get emergency approval, companies needed to show that the vaccines were safe and prevented vaccinated people from getting ill. They did not have to show that the vaccine would also prevent people from spreading the virus to others. The misleading posts imply that national restrictions such as vaccine passports were based on a promise of vaccines blocking virus spread that neither the companies nor EU regulators made before the vaccines were marketed.

VERDICT – Social media posts claiming that a Pfizer executive “admitted” the company did not test its COVID vaccine’s ability to prevent virus transmission before receiving marketing approval imply that the company had been required to do so or claimed to have done so, which is false. National policies requiring vaccination to access public spaces or to enter a country that were implemented in early 2021 may have been based in part on data emerging at that time showing the vaccine did, in fact, prevent transmission of the variants then circulating.

You say that your remember St. Anthony touting the need to vaccinate to create people becoming “dead ends” for the spread” You misremember. Do you still think that Joe Biden repeatedly made the claim the vaccine halted the spread? You’re wrong — forget you thought you ever heard him say that. Did the media run a non-stop, 24/7 campaign of fear that denounced vaccine registers as loathsome threats to the rest of us? Of course it didn’t, and anyone who says otherwise is a lying, dog-faced pony soldier.

Okay, Pfizer’s vaccinated, twice-infected CEO Albert Bouria might have posted this, but he was just kidding.

Bur our best, most trusted medical advisors like Dr. Rachael Maddow never lectured us like this — someone posing as her did:

President Biden? No one believes him, nor should they; hell, even he wouldn’t, if he could remember what he’d said.

And no one in Europe ever made such a claim, despite what this (RFK Jr. lookalike) Dutch commentator thinks: