Just in time for the elections, Biden's wrecking crew announces its plan to restore the economy

does this sweatshirt make me look stupid?

More than just words, however, Kampallawlla Ding Dong has sprung into action:

A “racial equity task force has been created!

Vice President Kamala Harris additionally announced a series of programs and initiatives to promote small businesses in “underserved communities,” including a target of 12% of government investment to go to “small, disadvantaged businesses” (SDBs) and expanding the number of lenders and access to technical assistance for underserved small businesses.

Harris claimed that insufficient capital was being allocated to underserved communities, particularly minority and rural communities. She claimed that this lack of capital has stifled economic growth and opportunities for small business owners and members of these communities.

“So let’s deal with that disconnect — which we also refer to as disparities, because we see that people in our country are having an experience that is not equal,” said Harris.  “And that’s why we talk about equity, because we recognize not everybody starts out on the same base.  They don’t start out in the same place, even though they have the same God-given capacity.” [the capacity, but not the ability, to read; the capacity, but not the will, to defer single-birthingpersonhood and methamphetamine use until, say, 25; the capacity, but not the ability to understand that a “rap sheet” is not a song list to be built, but something that affects one’s employment prospects; and so on.]

“[O]ne of the aspects of the success we have seen so far is the benefit and the incredible power of public-private partnership — the public and the private sector joining together,” Harris said. [“we believe in community, because community is important, because that’s what community is, and that’s why it is so important. Joing together.”]