That's alright, George, I never watched Star Trek, so we're even
/Until a few years ago, I had never heard of George Takei and was unaware of his existence, but he’s an active Twitter user, and when I kept seeing his name pop up on Twitchy and some other conservative sites, I looked him up: he’s a former Japanese-American internment camp detainee (did he wail as loudly when the Supreme Court overruled Korematsu vs. US as he did when Roe bit the dust? Just asking), who went on to play a character on the television show Star Trek. I’m a better man for that knowledge, I’m sure.
But, just as Mr. Sulu and I operate in different worlds, he and his fellow mouth breathers rely on a completely different news feed than normal people. For instance, Biden’s “I have two words: Made in America” gaffe was all over the Internet sites I visit, but clearly not on George’s. Which explains why he didn’t get the joke in this tweet:
Seeing this tweet, and immediately sensing that anyone who could say something that stupid was incompetent to hold political office, George blasted the woman, and thereby unwittingly joined the mob of Biden foes who claim he’s senile:
In turn, Takei was humiliated by his haters on the right, and deservedly so, but the incident may illustrate why liberals seem to be so confoundingly stupid on subjects like “green” energy: perhaps it’s ignorance, rather than stupidity that allows them to ignore the reality of what shutting down fossil fuels will bring down upon our heads. If they’ve never heard or read counter-arguments to the Unicorn Charade, how can they be expected to be sensible? We on the right are constantly exposed to the Left’s plans and “truths”, but we have alternative sources of information; useful idiots like Takei do not.
On the other hand, stupid explains them just as well.
UPDATE: Twitchy has compiled a nice roundup of various liberals acknowledging Biden’s unfitness for office, and his IQ. Here are a few of them:
And, finally, a women who gets the joke, and draws the same conclusion that I did.