Revenge of the Cat Women
/Are Lonely Wine Karens Ruining the Country? Exit Poll Reveals the Depressing Truth
While exit polls show Republicans won married men and women voters by double digits and increased their share among unmarried men, the majority of single women (picture an ex-librarian who drinks boxed wine while listening to Joni Mitchell) voted for Democratic candidates.
Among unmarried women, 68% told CNN’s exit poll they voted for Democrats over Republicans in the 2022 midterms, while only 31% said they voted for Republicans.
So why the gap? Recall the words of Republican Ohio Senator-elect J.D. Vance, who explained to Daily Caller co-founder and Fox News host Tucker Carlson in July 2021 that he believes progressive politicians are nothing more than “a bunch of childless cat ladies.” They use their positions of power to air out grievances rather than govern for the betterment of their constituency.
Of course, there are plenty of “explanations” for last week’s debacle, one of them being, as I warned last September, Lindsey Graham’s stupid, stupid introduction of a symbolic national ban on abortion:
FWIW, September 14th:
Start with the premise that this bill has zero — absolutely no — chance of passage with the current congress, and then ask, who is Graham trying to reach by introducing his bill now, when the only effect, if any, will be to incentivize Democrats to go to the polls to vote against Republicans and keep alive their privilege of killing their unborn?
Abortion is a huge issue for some voters, and the people for whom it is a single-issue matter will cast their ballots entirely depending on a candidate’s position on that one point. But there are at least as many passionate pro-abortionists in that single-issue group as there are antis — probably more. So, appealing to the latter is at best a waste of time; anti-abortionist Democrat voters don’t exist, so there’s nothing to mine there, and at worse a move that will backfire by stirring up voters who are indifferent to Biden’s charms and might otherwise have sat out the election.
But the real damage done by Graham’s announcement yesterday is what Politico points out: it diverted attention away from yesterday’s simply awful economic news and Biden’s abysmal performance, and allowed the Democrats and their media monkeys to resume hollering about the one topic that they’re pinning their election hopes on: abortion, abortion, abortion.
Worried that your right to scrape your uterus will be taken away from you by Republicans? Lindsay Graham just promised that your worst fears will come true if you vote for him and his party.
My own theory is that the majority of the country no longer operates on logic but rather, on “feelings”. I may have been there to witness the beginning of this transformation in Athens, Greece in 1976, when I was enrolled in a six-person seminar on Plato led by BU President John Silber. One of the students a 27-year-old (blonde) woman working on her doctorate in Philosophy, was trapped int a logical dead end by Silber’s Socratic method until she finally burts out tearfully, “don’t you, don’t you care about how I feel about this?” I was as appalled by this as Silber was acerbic: “Madam, I don’t care a damn about your feelings”, said he, and he moved on to another victim. Years later, watching what was going on in higher education, it occurred to me that our frustrated doctoral student probably went on to earn her degree, and spend her career teaching young, malleable mush brains that reason was inferior to emotion, that logic was trumped by feelings. And she wasn’t alone.
Look at the huge number of college students today who claim to want to see capitalism replaced by socialism, merit be ignored in favor of perceived “social equity”, personal responsibility supplanted by an omnipotent, loving government; ask them how all that will work out and they grow misty-eyed, and insist, “it just will”.
Where do we get the minerals and rare earths required to transform the world into a fossil fuel-free paradise? How can they be mined without destroying the environment? Where will the batteries required to store all this non-existent energy so that factories can operate? Ask one of these people any of these questions, and they’ll give you, at best a vague answer along the lines of “someone (else) will figure all that out”.
So the Democrats have it right: focus campaigns on a promise to provide a soft, gauzy future, filled with noble sentiments and don’t mention that their goals are self-contradictory and impossible. The electorate doesn’t want to hear about “issues”, they want to feel good. And they vote that way.