Going to the dogs

Global warmists want you to give up your pet dogs

Even man’s best friend is not safe from the climate alarmism.

My fellow Gen Xers will remember vividly that there were two existential threats growing up that could annihilate mankind: nuclear war and acid rain. Future decades expanded the circle of bogeymen to include ozone layer degradation, bioweapons, African killer bees, SARS, financial market collapse and finally COVID, to accompany the ongoing dire threat that human activities are hurtling the globe to losing large swaths of its population from climate catastrophes.

While the level of urgency to “save the planet” has intensified from the doom-and-gloom crowd, so has the level of craziness about how to deal with their villains. From the early warnings of “don’t shower every day,” to today’s eugenics, the cult of the “church of climate change” has become increasingly rabid. Trying to deface iconic works of art is sadly just the start, they’re also trying to deface our way of life.

Scientists — who write the papers funded by eco-idealogues with findings developed so that they can write the next paper funded by eco-idealogues — use any means necessary to scare people. Decades of the sky not falling means only a minute fraction of the public believes the hype, and therefore support extreme positions regarding population control and now, even animal control.

A few years ago, cow flatulence was going to keep the world from achieving its climate goals, so Bessie was targeted for her carbon hoofprint.

That was child’s play compared to the CNN column, recapping a study that immediate action was necessary to stop the pending climate catastrophe. Their solutions? Don’t bring large-breed animals into your home, and no matter the size, feed Fido or Fluffy only insect-based meals.

According to the CNN column, “Their [pets’] meat-heavy diet is the biggest contributor to their carbon pawprints, which requires an abundance of energy, land and water to produce. And the production of pet food emits huge amounts of planet-warming gases … if our furry friends formed a separate country, it would rank 5th in global meat consumption behind China, the US, Brazil and Russia.”

Collectivists have always hated the middle classes’ assertion of ownership anything, from children to pets. Common Core “educators” claim that “the children being to all of us, and as for pets? Starting in North Korea, Starting in North Korea, pets must go.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has reportedly ordered citizens to give up their pet dogs so that the canines can be converted into meat for restaurants amid a shortage of food supplies during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

According to a report by The Mirror, he said that the ordinary people raise livestock and cattle while only the rich and elite have pet dogs. He called having pet dogs a sign of "capitalism" and "bourgeois ideology.

Dogs in North Korea have always been associated with capitalist notions and the rule banning pet dogs has been implemented on and off since the 1980s, reports NY Times. According to the South China Morning Post, in 2018, North Korea asked its people to give up their dogs' fur ahead of the Party Foundation Day (one of North Korea's biggest and most important holidays). If they refused, they would have to hand over the US $148 worth of rice to the state.

Confiscation of the pooches will begin in Pyongyang, the capital city. According to a report by NY Times, some of the dogs will be sent to state-run zoos while some will be sent to restaurants for meat. Dog meat is considered to be a delicacy in North Korea and amid food shortages, this has presented as a viable food source for many families.

China has targeted Fido since the days of Mao:

China denounces pet dogs as filthy imports from the west

Pet dogs, in the eyes of China’s Communist Party, are a modern-day menace. And the Chinese urbanites who’ve grown infatuated with Spot and Rover are acting out a “crude and ludicrous imitation ... of a Western lifestyle.”

China’s authoritarian laws govern many aspects of home life — including pet ownership. [Want to heat your home with natural gas? Own a car? Not for long, you evil, capitalist demon — Ed]. During Mao’s cultural revolution, dog ownership was condemned as elitist. … Only in 2003 were all Beijing residents allowed to own dogs.

By the way, this NBC article was written in 2010. Here’s what it also had to say about the state of China then, and the dissatisfaction of its rulers:

… The ranks of people who can afford dog chow is rising fast. By 2030, according to the United Nations, China’s middle class will be four times the size of America’s middle class. Many Chinese can now seek out what Western consumers have long enjoyed: cars, flat-screen TVs and, yes, pet poodles. In Beijing, the number of registered dogs hit 1 million in 2012.

The doggie denouncement coincides with a revived effort to stamp out certain Western beliefs and behaviors taking root in 21st-century China. Officials are taking aim at bigger perils to social harmony, including democracy, an obsession with “individual rights” and the “free flow of information on the internet.”

All three are explicitly condemned in an internal party report as serious threats to the party and to the “great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.”

The party memo, known as “Document 9,” was leaked late last year. It refers to an “ideological battlefield” in which Western notions of individual liberty and freedom of speech are used to “gouge an opening through which to infiltrate our ideology,” which prizes the “unification of thought” and social harmony.

Modern China would be almost unrecognizable to its founder, Mao Zedong, who exalted peasants and decried “petty bourgeois individualism.” Now, as China grows more prosperous and globally connected, top party members are mounting an ideological purification campaign to reconnect the masses with Mao’s ideals. During Mao’s “cultural revolution,” dog ownership was condemned as elitist.

That was 2010, Xi Jinping took power in 2012. His monkey flu lockdowns and consequent destruction of the country's economic system of semi-capitalism will soon restore the country to the purer form of communism dictated by Mao.

All of which dovetails neatly with the World Economic Forum’s vision for all of us. Just last week, WEF’s founder and Chairman Klaus Schwab declared China a role model for the world”.

Something to chew on.