When two worlds collide

the world of imagination meets newton

Men dressed as female hockey players beat the crap out of women dressed as male players. One woman concussed.

A female-to-male transgender hockey player was left concussed after being flung to the floor by a much larger male-to-female trans opponent during a controversial NHL-backed tournament.

Danny Maki was knocked down and left concussed following what appeared to be an accidental rough hit at the Team Trans Ice Hockey draft in Middleton, Wisconsin, late last month. 

…Team Pink - which was largely comprised of trans women- not only won the entire tournament, but flattened the opposing Team Black - which had only two trans women - in the finals with a 7-1 win.

Despite the reporter’s claim that the poor girl was “flung to the floor”, the tape shows that she was merely bumped into by Two-Ton Tessie, and the weight differential and physics took it from there.