Off through the unfriendly skies to Colorado

worth the trip

Blogging will be sporadic-to-non-existent from today through next Tuesday the 27th while I visit the girls and their mother, and meet Mary and my new son-in-law Peter for the first time. Temperature in Layette, Colorado is predicted to be minus-14 tomorrow, warming up to minus-11 by Friday, so I haven’t packed my Bermudas and flip flops (okay, I don’t really have a pair of Bermuda shorts, but if I did, I wouldn’t bring them).

My first thought reading about the storm threatening to shut down travel Thursday and Friday was to be glad that I’d made reservations for today months ago, but then it occurred to me that any travelers that could move up their flights to Wednesday will have done so, and the airports and planes will be crammed to (over) capacity. I upgraded my flight from reserved to priority seating, which may help when it comes to boarding, I hope, but Logan Airport should be a complete zoo.

Have I mentioned how much I hate the post-9/11 TSA theatre? I’ve flown just three times since it started, preferring to drive one, even two days to a destination rather than deal with government goons, but I don’t have much choice this time.

But I’m excited to see the family, so there’s that. Merry Christmas to all of you, and I’’ll see you all here next Wednesday, God willing and the creek don’t rise, and if global warming doesn’t send my flight down in a fatal turbulence event.

Have a blessed holiday.