Back to the future: when the government fails a basic duty, citizens will look to alternative means

‘I Will Use Force’: Security Firm Head Hired To Protect Philadelphia Gas Station Gives Warning To Criminals 

Celebrities, the rich, and liberal politicians have always employed armed guards to protect their property and to accompany them when they travel to Washington to demand strict gun controls to be imposed on the little people, but now some of those little people themselves have finally despaired of having their government protect them, and are turning to private salvation. That still leaves most of the munchkins at the mercy of violent criminals, but hey, they voted for that.

The head of a security firm hired to protect a Philadelphia gas station amid a surge in violent crime gave a warning to criminals during a Tuesday evening Fox News appearance, saying he will “use force” and “take action” if necessary.

Neil Patel, the owner of a Karco gas station, hired the security firm after an ATM machine was stolen. The guards are heavily armed, carrying AR-15 rifles and shotguns while on duty at the station.

“In the beginning it wasn’t that way, a lot of people didn’t understand why we were here and then the following week when people realized what happened here, a lot of people got on board and they say ‘hey, I love coming here now,’” Chief Andre Boyer of Pennsylvania S.I.T.E. told Fox News host Jesse Watters. “This should have been done – this should be done throughout the city. In fact, one lady actually she works for Wawa, she is a manager. She said, ‘we need you at Wawa.’”

“Let me explain something to you about Pennsylvania S.I.T.E. We are not security, we’re Pennsylvania state agents. We are different than security,” Boyer said. “Security guards, those are the guys that stand at the door or stand around and walk through the mall. When something goes down, they pick up their cell phones and call 911. That’s not going to happen with us.”

“We take action,” Boyle told Watters. “We can make arrests, and that’s what’s going to happen if that person with my client commits a crime. He is – he or she is going to get arrested. And if I have to use force, I will use force.”