Fun facts from north of the border

just following orders: canadian storm troopers end truckers protest

Canada’s would-be dictator Justin Trudeau, who last year ordered the confiscation of all rifles in his country, has now unilaterally banned all sales or transfers of handguns, ostensibly to save Canadian lives. Leaving aside the fact that almost all gun homicides in that frozen wasteland to the north are committed by gangs (mostly comprised of new immigrant friends whom you haven't met yet, Indians from Punjab, mostly, but also Central Americans and Chinese), how many people are actually dying from guns? It turns out, using the latest statistics I could find, there were 13,168, total, from 2000-2016, 9,919 of which were suicides.

Well, 9,919 suicides over 16 years are certainly to be regretted, but they’re not regretted by Trudeau, because Canada is now euthanizing via assisted suicide 10,000 of its citizens a year, often at the encouragement of medical personnel and in situations like these:

…[F]ive years into an infuriating battle to obtain a stairlift for her home, Canadian army veteran and Paralympian Christine Gauthier was offered an extraordinary alternative.

A Canadian official told her in 2019 that if her life was so difficult and she so 'desperate', the government would help her to kill herself. 'I have a letter saying that if you're so desperate, madam, we can offer you MAiD, medical assistance in dying,' the paraplegic ex-army corporal testified to Canadian MPs.

Around five cases of military veterans being offered assisted euthanasia have been referred to Canadian police and officials urged others who'd received the same treatment to come forward.

Erin Smith said her 71-year-old father, Rod McNeill, went to an Ontario hospital after suffering a fall. A month later, he had been euthanized. She says the doctors responsible didn't even get hold of his medical records from his own physician.

He was subsequently euthanized for a condition - end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - that an autopsy shows he didn't have, she said.

Sheila Elson, the mother of a 25-year-old woman with cerebral palsy said a hospital doctor in Newfoundland actually told her she'd be 'selfish' if she didn't consider pursuing the euthanasia option.

Roger Foley, a patient with a degenerative brain disorder, secretly recorded staff at his hospital in London, Ontario, mentioning euthanasia.

In one recording, the hospital's director of ethics told Mr Foley it would cost 'north of $1,500 a day' to keep him in hospital, adding: 'My piece of this was to talk to you, (to see) if you had an interest in assisted dying.'

So, if preventing suicide isn’t the reason, and it obviously isn’t, when the government is encouraging and assisting more individuals to kill themselves in a single year than all gun suicides in 16 years, does sparing the lives of a couple of thousand random drug dealers justify disarming an entire country? Or is there another reason?

History suggests that there is, and the results have always been disastrous for democracy.