Oh, to be a black, lesbian basketball player

hits all the proper progressive buttons

WBA player Brittany Griner swapped for one of the world’s worst merchants of death

WNBA star Brittney Griner, detained for months in a Russian prison on drug charges, was released Thursday in a prisoner exchange for international arms dealer Viktor Bout.

The swap comes at a time of heightened tensions over the war in Ukraine, and after months of tense negotiations between the Kremlin and White House.

President Biden on Thursday morning shared the news on Twitter, writing: “Moments ago I spoke to Brittney Griner. She is safe. She is on a plane. She is on her way home.”

It’s nice that Mrs./Mr. Griner is free, but that freedom comes at a huge cost to the world, including the U.S.: Viktor Bout, “The Merchant of Death” is now free to resume his arms supply business with terrorists and various horrible regimes. And then there’s this forgotten prisoner:

The deal also leaves behind another American, Paul Whelan, who has been held in Russian prison for nearly four years. He was convicted on espionage charges that the US has deemed false.

UPDATE: I had no idea that the NEA’s Rand Weingarten reads this blog, but welcome aboard, girl!