Are we anticipating using gold-plated bulldozers and dumpsters?

we’re not talking about levitating the pentagon here (which didn’t work anyway)

FWIW’s New Mexico Clerical Correspondent Brother Anthony and I both saw the same article in Greenwich Time about the town planning on removing the prefab in the Horseneck Lane parking lot and had the same reaction to its budgeted cost: $600,000? For a drop-of-spit prefab? WTF???!!!

I asked a friend who knows about our town budget for an explanation, and he sent along the document you see here. I still don’t get it: not that long ago, it cost about $15-$25,000 to raze and cart off a full-grown house. Yes, the town plans to repair the asphalt where the shed rested, and intends to disconnect the utilities before demolishing the shack — always a good idea — but should that cost $575,000?

Any reader-builders out there care to comment?