And they're probably triple-masked when they play it

but she can spell “microaggression” and “white supremacy”

Millennials are whining that the NYT has made Wordle too hard – I have to reveal todays’ answer’s obscure [sic] word to illustrate this story, so if you do play, but haven’t yet today, stop reading, and come back when you have.

Disgruntled puzzlers continue to gripe that the New York Times is making their beloved Wordle “too hard.” The publication is now being accused of “trolling millennials” with Wednesday’s Wordle of the day, with many players deeming it so obscure only “Bob the Builder” could solve it. 

The viral brain teaser — in which players get six tries to guess a new five-letter word each day — has become routine for puzzle lovers of late. 

However, the Wednesday Wordle answer — a hardware-store staple we won’t spoil for you until the next paragraph, so consider yourself warned! — was apparently so obscure that many disgruntled players on Twitter wondered if it was even a word.

“The wordle word today was caulk,” wrote one baffled Wordler. “I had to look up words with aul in the middle. Ahh how the hell was I supposed to know the word was caulk? Smh anyway another word added to my vocabulary.”

“SUCK MY CAULK WORDLE,” quipped another Twit wit of the term.

Others joked that it was especially difficult for American 30-somethings, who have become infamous for not owning property. 

“Today’s Wordle is designed to wind up people who don’t own their own homes,” tweeted one frustrated player. “NYT trolling the millennials, absolute scenes.”

The children have been complaining about the Times stretching their limited vocabulary since the paper took over the game last week. I’ve continued playing it despite the change of ownership because, so far, there’s been no requirement to register, nor are there ads — I’m gone as soon as either appears — and the words’ difficulty continue unchanged, and at about what used to be considered a 6th-Grade reading level. Just another reason to despair for our country.