The health care industrial complex and the media have irretrievably squandered whatever trust the public once accorded them

Look at what we’re allowed to talk about now!


Feb 16th, 2022 12:45 pm

So I first heard that Vitamin D was a factor in Covid outcomes back in spring 2020.

Nearly a full 2 years ago.

Anyone who mentioned that outside careful whispers was immediately banned from polite and professional society.

The Karens of the world united to let us know that the Narrative had been decided and we needed to be good little subjects and fall in line.

And the clowns in the media ran stories like this:

The message was clear across the board: Maybe Vitamin D helps, but we need to be patient and study the science over a long, long time so crazy people don't go outside and get sunshine to stay healthy. 

In the meantime, anyone who disagrees with us should be unpersoned, so go slap this flimsy mask on your face while we prepare your experimental injection.

Fast forward to February 2022, and all of a sudden the professional "elites" have discovered what your kooky great aunt knew years ago:

And here’s this surprise:

People with a vitamin D deficiency are more likely to have a severe or critical case of COVID-19, according to a new study published in the journal PLOS ONE.

The study is based on data from Israel's first two coronavirus waves before vaccines were widely available. The scientists stressed that vitamin supplements aren't a substitute for vaccines but that they can help immunity levels.

The scientists were utterly shocked at the "discovery."

"We found it remarkable, and striking, to see the difference in the chances of becoming a severe patient when you are lacking in vitamin D compared to when you're not," Amiel Dror, MD, the lead study author and a doctor at Galilee Medical Center, told The Times of Israel.

This was known back when the panic began, and was fiercely suppressed, while we sheep were scolded and told to “trust the science”. Here are two examples from 2020 of what our trusted leaders didn’t want us to talk about:

Just think: If governments had pushed fresh air, sunshine, and exercise – instead of those lockdowns that did nothing to reduce deaths but probably accelerated them – how many people would still be here?

Patients with a vitamin D deficiency, were 14 times more likely to have a severe or critical case of COVID-19. What's more, the mortality rate for those with insufficient vitamin D levels was 25.6%, compared with 2.3% among those with adequate levels.