We're living in a lawless time

yes, we’ve swapped seats, but who’ll notice?

Biden again defies the courts and refuses to resume the sale of oil drilling leases

The Department of the Interior (DOI) defied the June 2021 court ruling which ordered the administration to halt its ban on new oil and gas leases, the Western Energy Alliance — a fossil fuel industry group that challenged the ban — said Wednesday. In August 2021, the DOI vowed to publish notices of competitive sales in December and hold a lease sale 45 days later, two promises it failed to keep, in court filings.

The Biden administration missed another deadline to hold quarterly onshore oil drilling lease sales after a federal court ruled it was legally required to do so.

The Department of the Interior (DOI) defied the June 2021 court ruling which ordered the administration to halt its ban on new oil and gas leases, the Western Energy Alliance — a fossil fuel industry group that challenged the ban — said Wednesday. In August 2021, the DOI vowed to publish notices of competitive sales in December and hold a lease sale 45 days later, two promises it failed to keep, in court filings.

This man has thumbed his nose at the Supreme Court and flat-out refused to obey lower courts’ orders, and the press remains silent because they approve of what he’s doing. Our country is no longer one that honors the rule of law. Property rights, free speech, the right of peaceful assembly are all in jeopardy under this regime, and the attacks are accelerating.