And why not? They've already been conditioned to accept being locked in their homes, their children tortured, and having experimental drugs injected into their bodies.

Most Americans [in Blue states, I suspect] say they’ll keep wearing masks even when mandates are lifted.

Most Americans in communities with mask requirements say they'll keep wearing face coverings even if leaders get rid of mandates.

A new poll from YouGov/The Economist this week found that 58 percent of Americans living in areas where mask mandates are still imposed will continue to mask up sometimes even if the guidance is removed.

Less than one-third of respondents, 28 percent, said they'd stop wearing masks if that was the case. Thirteen percent of Americans said they weren't sure what course of action they'd take if the mandate were eliminated.

The creation of a docile populace has always been the point of this exercise, worldwide. Australia and New Zealand have keep their resident under house arrest for two years, China’s been well, China, and across our last remaining border, an astounding 68% of Canadians approve of Trudeau’s imposing martial law, feeling bank accounts and jailing people without charges (an equal number of Democrats here in the Land of the Free favor jailing the unvaccinated).

There was never any real science behind the draconian shutdown of our economies and the crushing of dissent; it has always been about power-mad governments and obedient peasants