So much for a "minor incursion"

I’d confused “cunning like fox” with “rabid”

War returns to Europe: Putin launches all-out invasion of Ukraine from north, south and east as cruise missiles rain down on airports, military bases, and Kiev while troops parachute from the skies and tanks roll in with scores killed

05:22 EST, 24 February 2022

Russia has invaded Ukraine with an all-out attack from north, south and east taking place simultaneously

  • Missiles and bombs struck targets from east to west, destroying military bases, airports and ammo dumps

  • Tanks and troops rolled across the border from Belarus as paratroopers landed in the east of the country with rebel forces also pushing out from the occupied Donbass region

  • 'Hundreds' of Ukrainian troops died in early fighting, with six Russian jets and a helicopter shot out of the sky before Moscow claimed to have eliminated the country's anti-aircraft batteries

  • Attack came on personal order from Vladimir Putin who announced it to the world in the midst of a UN session convened to try and avert the conflict, saying he aims to 'de-militarise' and 'de-Nazify' the country

  • President Zelensky, in an address from his home, vowed 'we will defeat everyone' as he declared martial law

Should be an interesting day.

UPDATE: Nancy Pelosi explains all: Putin conspired to put his servant Trump in the White House in 2016, but held off invading Ukraine until “He knows he can’t bully me” Biden was in office because … because, “well you know, the thing!

Or something like that. Go to the link and figure out what she’s saying for yourself — i gave it my best shot.