Five years would have been better, but this will do

Before Smollett was taken away he started yelling, “I am not suicidal! If anything happens to me when I go in there I did not do it to myself.”

Juicy Smollett sentenced to five months in jail, $120,000 as restitution, and a $25,000 fine.

The main thing is that the judge slammed the man and called his behavior for what it was, notwithstanding the Wokettes’ claims that Smollett himself was somehow a victim.

Judge Linn tore into Smollett during his sentencing and said that for a person with his background in social justice to now be sitting in front of him convicted of faking a hate crime, “the hypocrisy is just astounding.” Judge Linn also denied that this was a crime of impulse and told Smollett that he had premeditated his crime. “You did wake up in the morning thinking you were going to do something bad and wrong,” he said. “You paid them in advance by check. You chose a date, you chose a time, you had props prepared…and then you did rehearsals!”

Judge Linn continued going over every detail of the faked hate crime in painstaking detail. “I repeat,” said the judge after describing the events. “You put the noose around your own neck. You caused great distress throughout the city and the community…that’s why we are here now.”

“I thought the jury’s verdict was accurate and correct,” said Judge Linn. He also berated Smollett for using public officials like Kamala Harris and Don Lemon among others to spread his false narrative, saying Smollet has displayed “arrogance, selfishness, and narcissism that’s just disgraceful.”

“What you did because you were selfishly, arrogantly, narcissistically bringing attention to yourself…took away resources from real victims,” Linn continued. “You’re not a victim of a hate crime.”

“The damage you’ve done to yourself is way beyond what could be done by me or any other judge. You are a permanently convicted felon,” he said. “You’ve embarrassed your important friends who are public officials…you’ve become toxic in your workplace.”

“You’ve turned yourself into riches to rags. You’re the butt of jokes. They make jokes about you. I can’t imagine anything worse than that. This is all self-inflicted,” continued Linn. “I don’t think there is anything funny at all about hoaxing and faking racial hate crimes. I think that is disgraceful.”

“Your performance on the witness stand can only be described as pure perjury. I find all those to be ample factors,” he said before issuing the sentence.

UPDATE: As usual, the nation’s Paper of Prophesy had the story months ago

Criminal justice watchdogs also revealed that in addition to sharing a cell with his attackers, he will have to share his toothbrush, his bunk bed, and clothes. They expressed worry that this may lead to Jussie Smollet suffering further racist and homophobic attacks from other attackers named Jussie Smollett while in prison.

When asked for comment, Jussie Smollet angrily yelled "This is MAGA country!" before punching himself in the face.