The trouble with humorless people, and all liberals are humorless, is that they don't have a sense of humor

Miserable, and determined to make your life miserable too

USA Today fact checks the Bee and concludes that no, we have not sold Alaska to Russia. While the paper’s article was surely written by a 24-year-old earnest social warrior who wouldn’t recognize satire if it bit her on her ample, latted bottom, it’s discouraging to recognize that an adult editor had to approve its publication.

A teAM OF USA REPORTERS spent days researching and and consulting experts before concluding that this is misinformation

[T]his isn’t the first time USA Today has fact-checked the Babylon Bee. They previously ran a fact check on an article titled “Ninth Circuit Court Overturns Death Of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.” Here’s a sample of that one:

Ginsburg will still be considered “alive” by the law, the article says. As to how the court will accomplish this feat, [Ninth Circuit Judge Kim McLane Wardlaw] admitted, according to the article, “We’re still figuring that part out.”

Any attempt to fill the vacancy left by Ginsburg will be blocked by the 9th Circuit until she can be cloned or resurrected, according to the article…

There is no record of any Wardlaw opinion on Ginsburg’s death on the website for the 9th Circuit, but she participated in a panel discussion Friday about Ginsburg’s life produced by the UCLA School of Law. There was no mention of “reviving” Ginsburg during the discussion.

Intrepid journos are already scrambling to dig out the truth on this newsflash, too: