I'm not saying that when this is over we should round up our educator class and execute them, but lengthy prison sentences wouldn’t be going too far

well, nooses for the administrators and union heads, maybe

Video shows kids in California school being forced to eat lunch, masked, spaced six feet apart, outside, behind a chainlink fence

“This is in Fresno, California (of course) and it shows kids being treated like little vectors of disease rather than normal kids.

“The last in the video asks the school employee why they are making the kids deal with these inhumane conditions. And in a creepy, sadistic, sing-songy way he answers:

We're eating like this so they're six feet apart! And we're enjoying the sunshine!

“What has happened to people, particularly in public schools, where they think that treating children like prison inmates is a totally normal and reasonable thing to do?”

This is llike some dystopian nightmare! My G-d, you should be ashamed of yourself!

“Yep. These school administrator goons have no answer for why they are treating children this way.

The damage that has been done, and is still being done to kids in California, is an absolute tragedy.

Schools like this need to be shut down.””