Well, when you're a famed NYT historian, acclaimed by all the best universities, you can pretty much say any ol' shit you like, as long as it dumps on the worst country in the world, ever

in full clown regalia, Nikkole Hannah-Jones entertains

Miss 1619 claims that, like everything else in Amerikka, tipping is a vestige of slavery. Then a real historian shows up

New York Times Magazine reporter and 1619 Project founder Nikole Hannah-Jones declared Monday in a since-deleted tweet that "tipping is a legacy of slavery" and "almost nowhere else" in the world utilizes the practice. 

"Tipping is a legacy of slavery and if it's not optional then it shouldn't be a tip but simply included in the bill. Have you ever stopped to think why we tip, like why tipping is a practice in the US and almost nowhere else?" the left-wing writer tweeted in response to former MSNBC host Touré Neblett criticizing the practice of tipping. 

Historian Phil Magness took a screenshot of the original tweet and posted, "Wait, what?" seemingly confused over Hannah-Jones' claim about slavery and tipping.

He argued tipping is widespread throughout the world and began long before slavery in the U.S., following up with a chart from Good Housekeeping that served as a guide for travelers on tipping practices around the world, including at restaurants and in taxis. The chart included countries from every continent.

Magness went on to cite the appearance of tipping in a scene from Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night," published in 1602, as well as a 1730s travel guide to Europe. 

Hannah-Jones is no stranger to controversy when it comes to historical facts. Earlier this year, she falsely claimed that the American Civil War began in 1865, the year it actually ended, and that Europe was "not a continent."

No one should care whether an ignorant racist like Jones invents history as her venom moves her, but it is important that someone so profoundly wrong is embraced by the Left: a MacArthur Fellowship, Pulitzer Prize, etc, simply because she provides a “black” face to the Left’s campaign against America.