And this is what Democrats want blue collar, middle class workers to pay for
/San Francisco State University announces a new undergraduate major in “Race and Resistance Studies.”
SFSU’s new major will train students in the "multiple forms of resistance and struggle aimed at achieving racial social justice." It will also cover topics such as “histories of resistance, gender issues, transnational issues, and cultural production.” The department also offers a minor in this program.
One course in the program, called “Community Service Learning: Praxis in Race and Resistance Studies,” provides students with “experiential learning” in “struggles for social justice, community empowerment, and equity within and across communities of color.”Another notable course is called “Race, Radicalism and Revolution,” and gives students an idea of “liberated visions of society and world.”
Professor Reynolds asks, “would you hire a race and relations major? His answer: “no, but plenty of Dem-linked organizations probably would.”
It’s a whole new industry.