Demented, idiot wino proves the worth of Harvard and NYT credentials

I’m wrong on everything else, why not this?

Nicholas Kristof, wine grower, offers the elites’ view of alcoholism: it only strikes the great unwashed.

"You know, I've lost friends to alcoholism, but I haven't lost any to Pinot Noir alcoholism," he said. "I wouldn't be in favor of barring alcohol in general. I think that wine can be, or cider can be, a social good and can create social capital. Things that bring people together, I think, are good for society. I think alcohol can do that, and I think that's true of wine and cider. I take your point that some people start with nice Pinot Noirs and then..." he trailed off. "But I think that is much less common, and those who die, the mortality from alcoholism, it's driven really by working-class Americans, and it's in kind of bulk hard liquor particularly. I don't think that good wine and cider add significantly to the problem.