New listing in Shorelands

6 Greenwich Cove Drive, asking $4.175 Million. It was built in 2007 for these owners, perhaps as a spec project? They tried selling it for $4.495 from 2007 - 2008 and have rented it out over the years, with a run on the sale market beginning in 2017 at $4.199 and ending in 2018 at $3.750.

Previous listings have claimed that it was “designed by Rick Moisan”, which would be a neat trick because, though Moisan was a terrific architect, he died tragically young at 43 in 2005, and these owners didn’t buy the property until 2006. Still, the lines kind of look like his, so maybe it was a design off the rack? (The current listing just says “by a noted architect”, for what that’s worth.)

Whatever the case, it’s a good-looking house, and Shorelands is a neat community, floodwaters or not. And as is obvious by now, 2018 sale non-performance is irrelevant in today's market. I’ll bet this sells quickly.