Another Greenwich loser
/Pampered miss taylor lorenz whines that people are saying mean things about her; she should probably expect more to come
Is it something in the water? Following in the footsteps of our own Peppermint Psaki, Old Greenwich-bred Taylor Lorenz has been using her position at the Washington Post to doxx and harass conservatives and has now exposed the personal details of the woman who compiles Libs of Tok Tok”.
Remember this MSNBC segment on online harassment? MSNBC aired it less than two weeks ago. Washington Post tech reporter Taylor Lorenz claimed to have “severe PTSD” over online bullying and doxxing, which she claimed was aimed at her primarily because of her gender. Lorenz’ critics instead pointed to her long track record of targeting people for doxxing and generating cancel campaigns based on her biases and occasionally dishonest reporting:
You feel like any little piece of information that gets out on you will be used by the worst people on the Internet to destroy your life,” Lorenz said while choking back tears, “and it’s so isolating.”
So what’s Lorenz [done] about it? She’s doxxed a Twitter user who has become popular for simply reposting Tik Tok videos of progressives. And the woman behind the popular Libs of TikTok twitter account — who keeps getting banned by Twitter simply for posting the public content of others — says Lorenz is coming after her family members, too.
The Washington Post ran the story this morning, complete with the woman’s name and a link to the listing of her professional real-estate license, complete with her address. Why? I’ll quote from Lorenz’ own justification for it, but you can find this without a link from me:
Libs of TikTok reposts a steady stream of TikTok videos and social media posts, primarily from LGBTQ+ people, often including incendiary framing designed to generate outrage. Videos shared from the account quickly find their way to the most influential names in right-wing media. The account has emerged as a powerful force on the Internet, shaping right-wing media, impacting anti-LGBTQ+ legislation and influencing millions by posting viral videos aimed at inciting outrage among the right.
The videos being unearthed by Libs of TikTok tend to focus on insane teachers who proudly boast of their success in indoctrinating school children — many of whom are in pre-kindergarten — on hatred for America, white oppression and, yes, encouraging 1st graders to come out as transgenders. But there are also posts by plain ol’ deranged liberals screaming about whatever has upset them in the day’s news. The danger that the WaPo and this horrible Lorenz fear arises from Libs of TikTok’s dragging these people’s publicly-posted videos out of the cloistered world of Leftism and exposing them to sunlight.
And for that, the woman behind the site must be destroyed.