Control, control, control

(Newport’s “Alive with Pleasure” campaign, begun when the FDA and the country really began howling about the deadly effects of smoking, always struck me as the Absolute zenith of cynical advertising. How they must have laughed on Madison Avenue.)

Biden’s menthol cigarette ban isn’t popular in three swing states

The Biden administration announced its intention to ban menthol cigarettes on April 29, 2021, citing an intention to "address health disparities experienced by communities of color, low-income populations, and LGBTQ+ individuals." According to the FDA, 85 percent of black smokers use menthol cigarettes over their non-flavored counterparts.

There’s much to like here, from the patronizing, white massa’s concern for his playful, child-like darkies, to the inclusion of the misgendered to keep things au courant. These people never, ever give up.