When I grow up, I want to be an aggrieved black activist, and buy yachts and Vail ski chalets like the rest of them

actual offer from Ibram Kandi’s solicitation/sales brochure

Stacey Abrams has taken her personal grievances and laughed all the way to the bank

From bankruptcy and tax liens to $3 million net worth in three years.

Black lives Matter Secretly Bought a 6 Million House (plus an $8 million house in Toronto, plus 3, million-dollar+ homes for one of the co-founders, plus, plus, plus)

Ibram X Kandi has received millions in tributes grants from corporate America, collects $20,000 in speaker fees. “To be truly anti-racists”, he insists, “you must be anti-capitalist”.

Ad the best thing about this racket is that I won’t have to change my white race, or abandon all the rights and privileges my slave-owning ancestors bequeathed to me — although I might have to don a dress and insist on being called “Chrissy”, but that’s a small price.

Proving that whites can outdo blacks in everything except basketball, Robin DiAngelo has made millions on sales of her “White Fragility” line of books, and millions more lecturing corporation honchos, all without even donning blackface. Here’s a sample of what she’s dispensing:

“Perhaps on my way to Whole Foods [hahahahaha] I must pass {you “must pass’? Why not stop and offer him a sip of your latte?] an indigenous man who appears to be lying on the sidewalk.”[“Appears to be? He is or he isn’t, no? And as long as you’re upgrading from a run-of-the-mill old knee grow to a genuine Indian, why not a crippled, transgender feather duster? When I steal this bit, I’ll see her Indian and raise her a petticoat. But I digress]

“My whiteness feels suddenly very ‘loud,’ she continues, “ and I ‘know’ that he knows I am an imposter and a hypocrite, that my privilege . . . [is] dependent on his oppression.”

Just friggin bootiful.

Why, here’s robin now! As I recall, the original Robin stole from the rich and gave to the poor; our robin seems to have stopped at the first part, but that’s progress (iveness)