When you're a coal miner, as soon as you get too old, and sick, and stupid to be of any use, they get rid you, but when you're a judge, its entirely the other way around

CT Judge who’s collected $400,000 while she’s been home doing nothing for 2 1/2 years says she’s “ready to go back to work — maybe.”

An attorney for Superior Court Judge Alice Bruno argued before the state Supreme Court Tuesday that her more than two-year absence from the bench was not an ethics violation, but rather his client did not receive the necessary accommodations for her disability.

The show-cause hearing, which Chief Justice Richard A. Robinson said was held to determine if the matter should be further investigated, questioned whether Bruno’s absence since November 2019 had violated judicial code of conduct related to confidence in the court, competency and giving precedence to duty. No decision was made on Tuesday. ….

“There’s nothing I want more than to serve the people of Connecticut fairly and appropriately,” Bruno said.

In an affidavit filed by Bruno, she alleged that a hostile work environment had worsened preexisting conditions and eventually accommodations for those conditions were needed. A March court filing from Parenteau acknowledged his client first went on medical leave in November 2019 after she was hospitalized for cardiac testing [ 1 hour? 2? — ED] related to the stress of her job.

Addressing whether her absence should be further investigated, Parenteau argued there is no reason to do so considering she had informed judicial administrators in December 2020 that there were judicial districts in which she could return based on the guidance of her medical providers.