Okay, so this is funny — maybe they'll start trying it on shoplifters

Street justice for dog abuser

There are two groups of people in the world. Those who understand that dogs are better than people, and animals who abuse dogs. People will square up against grizzly bears if they see their four-legged friends in peril. A lesson some shmuck in Los Angeles learned the hard way when he was caught abusing his small dog in public. EVERYONE on the block swarmed. White people. Black people. Hispanic People. A Hollywood actress. They all took turns molly whopping on this guy.

The man's excuse? The dog disrespected him first.

An NBC News affiliate interviewed the unidentified man, who admitted to the abuse. Quote: "That's why I did it. It's my mother's dog, and he should obey me." The man also said he didn't think the dog was hurt. The owner (I'm assuming his mother) says the dog only has a broken leg and will be fine.