A New Mexican looks at NYC Democrats' new "common sense" garb, and isn't impressed
/He, and they, have been there before
In her column for Human Events, The Sidewalks of New York, Jacqueline Toboroff, a divorced mother of two gamely trying to raise her children in New York City, writes of a new effort by some of the City’s Democrats to separate themselves from the destructive policies of their far-left colleagues. They style themselves “Common Sense Democrats,” perhaps referencing the late Edward Koch, New York’s Democrat mayor over forty years ago who called himself “a liberal with sanity” (which he was).
So there’s a new grift in town; the “Common Sense” Democrats.
This is a calculated move by a current crop of candidates running for public office, to get elected under the premise of making it onto the ballot as a Democrat, espousing some “common sense”; i.e. Republican beliefs, but ultimately bringing us the same failed policies. Common Sense Democrats are like a triple agent; Democrats acting as Republicans but tied to Democrat core beliefs.
Read the whole article, of course, but I’ll add this: The Left has been using the common sense moniker for some time now, to cloak all sorts of radical schemes. Proposals for “Common Sense” gun laws, for instance, are all ultimately intended to confiscate all guns from all law abiding citizens, leaving the cops and robbers to shoot it out between themselves, but the commons sense tag sounds so reassuring that, gee, who wouldn’t agree to go along?