The question is, why?

Hey, don’t ask me, those are the other farmers

State Farm denies that its agents distributed gay/transgender/whatever books to Florida classrooms, despite the fact that its agents distributed gay/transgender/whatever books to Florida classrooms

State Farm encouraged its Florida insurance agents to donate books on gender ideology to children as young as 5 years old, according to leaked emails obtained by Consumers’ Research. A spokesperson for State Farm denied to the Daily Caller that agents donated LGBTQ books directly to schools.

State Farm’s Corporate Responsibility Analyst Jose Soto sent an email to employees on Jan. 18 announcing the company’s partnership with The GenderCool Project, according to emails obtained by Consumers’ Research. The email encouraged six Florida agents to join the project and donate books on gender ideology to children as young as 5 years old.

“State Farm is partnering with The GenderCool Project to help diversify classroom, community center and library bookshelves with a collection of books to help bring clarity and understanding to the national conversation about Being Transgender, Inclusive and Non-Binary,” the email reads. “The project’s goal is to increase representation of LGBTQ+ books and support our communities in having challenging, important and empowering conversations with children Age 5+.”

State Farm encouraged agents to donate The GenderCool Project’s three-book bundle including books titled, “A Kids Book About Being Transgender,” “A Kids Book About Being Inclusive,” and “A Kids Book About Being Non-Binary,” according to the email.

A spokesperson for State Farm told the Daily Caller that participation in the program is “strictly voluntary” and claims that agents were told not to share the three-book bundle with schools.

“Our participation in this program evolved quickly, and the decision was made several months ago for participants not to share resources with schools,” a State Farms spokesperson said.

A post from a school in Tacoma, Washington, seemingly debunks State Farm’s denial that books were not donated to schools. Seabury School, a private school, posted to Facebook thanking The GenderCool Project and its partnership with State Farm for delivering the books.

This is not really a hot-button issue for me or it wouldn’t be, if the wokettes didn’t keep pushing it. But the business side of me does wonder what the hell State Farm thought it was accomplishing here. The gratitude of a few parents of transgender children has to be swamped by the number of parents deeply offended by a friggin’ insurance company elbowing its way into a matter that solely concerns parents and their children.

UPDATE: That was quick — State Farm has declared its previous denial is “no longer operative”.

UPDATE II. May 25th: State Farm Exec Apologizes to Angry Agents, Says 'We Made a Mistake With Our Involvement' With GenderCool. Thousands of State Farm agents, who are independent contractors and depend on the goodwill of their customers to keep bread on the table, flooded headquarters with complaints, and asking the same question our headline asks: why?

A big “why” that was circling among agents and in private Facebook groups Monday night was: “How in the world was something like this green lighted and not run by agents’ groups for vetting?”

No way this would have ever been greenlighted had this been run by agents.