Price cut on Fairfield Road

75 Fairfield Road, from $1.725 to $1.690. It failed to sell at $1.599 in 2021, so bringing it back last month at $1.725 was perhaps a tad too optimistic.

It’s a pleasant house, right on the skating pond, and of course, an easy walk to both Central and GHS. I remember it in 2004, when it sold for $1.675, and toured it again 6 months later after the new owners had replaced the kitchen and baths with somewhat inexpensive materials, and put it back on for sale at $2.2; potentially buyers were no more impressed by that number than I was.

So it’s been on and off the market ever since, spending most of that time rented out. It’s still a nice house, if you can get over the master bedroom up, other bedrooms down layout, and the price doesn’t strike me as crazy.