And the Democrats expect their former constituents, blue collar workers, to pay for this

Stretching the length of the University Place promenade, several hundred students called out phrases such as “we reject the president-elect,” “no human is illegal” and “climate change is real.”

Syracuse University hikes tuition 4.5%, announces a $50 million program to hire new “diversity” administrators and teaching assistants: “we have to place our graduates somewhere”, University spokesit Rashikka Bitsy Amahl, he/her/ questioning told FWIW, “and where better than right here on campus, and spare our alumni the embarrassment of seeing the current product out loose in the world? Besides, who’d want them?”

The plan, under its “Faculty Diversity and DEIA Curriculum Innovation” section, allocates a $50 million investment for faculty retention and diversification in hiring, a $1 million dollar budget for 2021, and $2 million dollar budget for 2022 and beyond.

“In early March of 2021, the Syracuse University Board of Trustees authorized a $50 million investment into faculty diversity hiring and retention initiatives. While the process for accessing these funds remains under development, the commitment has been made to substantively increase the number of diverse faculty members on campus,” the plan states.

The plan also gives another $500,000 to the Office of Student Living to “to hire a new assistant director of diversity and inclusion, as well as the addition of four new counseling positions and four BIPOC counselors,” student newspaper The Daily Orange reported.

It also aims to increase diversity in students, staff and faculty recruitment, and to build DEI-related “institutional infrastructure”; that will include “university-provided professional DEIA development for faculty, staff and students where ‘development’ is understood as ongoing and ‘training’ is understood as one-off.”

[T]he plan includes the institution of “multicultural affairs offices, women’s studies departments, queer theories courses, unconscious bias trainings, and social-justice-oriented excursions.”

I don’t know what a “social-justice-oriented excursion” is, but I’m guessing that it’s more likely to be a visit to a gay bar than to the Statue of Liberty. But that’s just a guess.

And there’s still more!

The plan aims to “infuse/integrate DEIA into all activities and structures of Syracuse University” and to “decolonize all activities and structures of Syracuse University.”